Formula 1 Veg and Bloom blends are expertly formulated for indoor, greenhouse, and outdoor hydroponics with a complete recipe that includes Eurosolids Calcium Nitrate as a base. Experience fast dissolving, easy to handle fertilizers that promote healthy plant growth and abundant yields.

NPK Balanced

Ensures the optimal nutrient balance for healthy, abundant plant yields.

Low Heavy Metals

Avoids reduction in photosynthesis, water and nutrient uptake. 


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Essential nutrients to maintain plant development and growth.

Fully Soluble

Helps maintain NPK balance & avoids waste and comntamination.


This mixture of nutrients can be used with coco-coir, rockwool, and other soil-less mediums. Ensure environments are desirable for plants before feeding fertilizer to crops. 

8 Week Flowering Cycle

Skip Bloom Weeks 3 & 4

9 Week Flowering Cycle

Skip Bloom Week 4

Longer Veg Phase

Continue Veg Week 3

Increase Terpenes

Flowering for 70 days

* Compatible with other fertilizers, with the exception of calcium fertilizers. A separate tank is needed or fertilizers should be applied on different times. In case of foliar feeding as part of a mix with crop protection products, a compatibility test has to be done prior to preparing the spray-mix.

High Performance Blend

Calcium Nitrate

Use Eurosolids Calcium Nitrate as the base throughout 

the crop's life cycle. 

Formula 1 Veg

Use Eurosolids F1 VEG N PK for early stages of the crop's 

lite in propagation, veg, and later for mothering plants. 

Formula 1 Bloom

Use Eurosolids f 1 BLOOM NIP1K for 

flowering pliants after veg is completad. 

Formula 1 NPK VEG

4-7-25 Horticultural Grade

WS NPK VEG was developed to provide the horticulture industry with a high-quality, cost-efficient fertilizer for the vegetative phase. Our formula is performance-driven, delivering all the essential nutrients your plants need for healthy growth and maintaining a perfect balance. Our ratio of 4-7-25, provides all the essential nutrients your plants need for healthy growth. With high levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, and sulfur, your plants will have the perfect balance of nutrients needed for strong roots, stems, and foliage development.

Formula 1 NPK BLOOM

1-13-29  Horticultural Grade

WS NPK BLOOM is expertly designed to provide plants with the ideal balance of nutrients needed for healthy flowering. The unique NPKS ratio of 1-13-29 provides the perfect balance that plants require for optimal growth and production. During the blooming stage, plants require higher levels of phosphorus and potassium compared to nitrogen and sulfur, and our blend meets these needs. The higher phosphorus content (13%) stimulates root development, flower initiation, and fruit formation, while the high potassium content (29%) promotes strong stem growth,

improves stress tolerance, and enhances the plant's ability to absorb and utilize water and other nutrients. Additionally, our blend's sulfur component (13%) is crucial in enhancing the production of essential oils and improving the overall quality of the yield.

Formula 1 Calcium Nitrate

15.5-0-0 + 26.3 CaO Horticultural Grade

Calcium Nitrate Horticultural Grade is a highly pure Calcium fertilizer which dissolves rapidly and completely. Our product has a limited caking sensitivity and is recommended as of early spring until fruit setting and fruit development. The high level of Calcium improves the strength of cell walls during active cell division

stages. The presence of Nitrogen has a positive effect on the uptake of Calcium in the plant.

Use Calcium Nitrate as the base throughout the crop's life cycle.

High Performance Blends

Provides essential elements like Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium and more.

Veg & Bloom

WS NPK VEG and WS NPK BLOOM are the highest quality, water soluble fertilizer blends balanced and formulated for indoor, greenhouse and outdoor hydroponics irrigation.

Calcium Nitrate

Use Calcium Nitrate as the base for a complete recipe, both WS NPK VEG and WS NPK BLOOM blends are rapidly dissolvable and easy to handle.

Liquid Concentrate Mixing lnstructions 

Always use Veg NPK and Bloom NPK in combination with Eurosolids CalNi base.

Hi-Performance Blend

Horticultural Grade

WS NPK VEG and WS NPK BLOOM are the highest quality, water soluble fertilizer blends balanced and formulated for indoor, greenhouse and outdoor hydroponics irrigation.

Use Calcium Nitrate as the base for a complete recipe, both WS NPK VEG and WS NPK BLOOM blends are rapidly dissolvable and easy to handle.

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